The Roman Spectacle

A Roman gladiatorial spectacle of magnificent proportions

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The Greek Kiln

Educating members, local schools, and local artists in the techniques, making, and firing of Greek style pottery

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The Greek Kiln

Educating members, local schools, and local artists in the techniques, making, and firing of Greek style pottery

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The Roman Spectacle

A Roman gladiatorial spectacle of magnificent proportions

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International Archaeology Day

Providing the chance to indulge your inner Indiana Jones

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Connect with the AIA

Every year, we provide thousands of southern Arizonans with access to cutting-edge research on the peoples and places of antiquity and host community events which draw hundreds of attendees and garner local and national media coverage. Check out how you can be a part of the fun!

AIA Tucson and Southern Arizona Board

Find out who's running the chapter this year. Use this to get in touch with a specific officer or department from our local chapter. Learn More

Bring the AIA to Your Community

The AIA is more than just a lecture series! Take a look at how we can tailor our services to your specific school or community. Learn More


Connect with other groups interested in archaeology and antiquity. From the Arizona State Museum to U of A's academic departments to archaeology-related resources for kids, this is your one stop shop for all things archaeology. Learn More


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