The Roman Spectacle

A Roman gladiatorial spectacle of magnificent proportions

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The Greek Kiln

Educating members, local schools, and local artists in the techniques, making, and firing of Greek style pottery

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International Archaeology Day

Providing the chance to indulge your inner Indiana Jones

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The Greek Kiln

Educating members, local schools, and local artists in the techniques, making, and firing of Greek style pottery

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The Roman Spectacle

A Roman gladiatorial spectacle of magnificent proportions

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Bring the AIA to your Community

Outreach for Schools and the Community

Interested in partnering with the AIA? Get in touch with us to discuss your ideas! Over the past decade, the Tucson and Southern Arizona AIA chapter has worked with local schools, residential groups, and community interest groups to help make the past come to life. If you or your organization is interested in collaborating with the AIA, just let us know and we can discuss how we might help.

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