International Archaeology Day

Providing the chance to indulge your inner Indiana Jones

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The Roman Spectacle

A Roman gladiatorial spectacle of magnificent proportions

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The Greek Kiln

Educating members, local schools, and local artists in the techniques, making, and firing of Greek style pottery

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The Roman Spectacle

A Roman gladiatorial spectacle of magnificent proportions

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The Greek Kiln

Educating members, local schools, and local artists in the techniques, making, and firing of Greek style pottery

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Kiln Participants

Thank you to our many volunteers!

Local Businesses

  • St Augustine High School
  • St Augustine High School Students
  • UA Classics Professors (and families)
  • UA Classics Students (and families)
  • UA Art History Students
  • UA Ceramics Program
  • UA Material Science Engineering Professors
  • UA Museum of Art
  • UA Arizona State Museum
  • UA QTVR Virtual Reality Annex
  • UA Theater and Education
  • UA Architecture


  • The Hellenic Cultural Foundation
  • Tuscon Museum of Art
  • Tucson Artists
  • And External Consultants
  • Alan May (Sunset Interiors), J. Gregory (Resource), P. Musters (Exhibitguys)
  • J. Valandry (with E. L. and E. DuToit), R. Canada (with K. Canada), N. Smith (Teachers and Administrators)
  • B. Baechler, N. Brinker, M. Concannon, K. DiLeonardo, P. Kane, Chelses Morris (with S. and D. Morris), J. Rogers, L. Sniejowski
  • D. Christenson, J. Spier (with J. Spier), G. van Steen, T. Worthen (with A. Worthen), M. Voyatzis, C. White (with J. and M. White)
  • J. Benton, A. Cox, D. Herndon (with J. and M. Herndon), H. Kelly, J. Kendall, J. Mix,. J Williams, A. Stomeinoff, E. Saltourides, G. Stoehr, Eric Thienes, Mariel Watt
  • K. Alexander, K. Burns, L. Fisher 
  • A. Chabot, Graduate student M. Nerdin, B. Bergstrom, D. Primavera, C. Shumate
  • P. Vandiver, E. Pierce
  • P. Briggs, B. Hughes
  • M. Jacobs, L. Falk, S. Griset, T. Moreno
  • G. Mackender
  • S. O'Brian (Video)
  • D. Weibel (Digital Drawing)
  • J-A. Crissey
  • C. Lymberis, A. Zerdavis 
  • N. Tranmer, Z. Knudson (ceramic instructors) 
  • M. Emerson (photographer), J. Miller (painter), J. Buckman (Art professor, St Gregory High School)
  • J. Wissinger (Tampa Museum of Art), T. Gerke (U. of Cincinnati), T. Schreiber (ceramicist, LA)