The Roman Spectacle

A Roman gladiatorial spectacle of magnificent proportions

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The Roman Spectacle

A Roman gladiatorial spectacle of magnificent proportions

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International Archaeology Day

Providing the chance to indulge your inner Indiana Jones

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The Greek Kiln

Educating members, local schools, and local artists in the techniques, making, and firing of Greek style pottery

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The Greek Kiln

Educating members, local schools, and local artists in the techniques, making, and firing of Greek style pottery

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Scientific Tests on Building Materials

Thursday, April 1, 2004 - 12:00am

On a Saturday afternoon in April 2004, Ed Pierce and Eleni Hasaki fired small cubes cut from three commercial bricks for their heat-resistance in the electric kiln at intervals of 100C, under the guidance of Prof. Pamela Vandiver, an expert on ancient technologies.