International Archaeology Day

Providing the chance to indulge your inner Indiana Jones

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The Greek Kiln

Educating members, local schools, and local artists in the techniques, making, and firing of Greek style pottery

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The Roman Spectacle

A Roman gladiatorial spectacle of magnificent proportions

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The Greek Kiln

Educating members, local schools, and local artists in the techniques, making, and firing of Greek style pottery

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The Roman Spectacle

A Roman gladiatorial spectacle of magnificent proportions

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By-Laws of of Tucson and Southern Arizona Society of the AIA




Article I Name

1. The name of this organization shall be the Tucson and Southern Arizona Society of the Archaeological Institute of America, hereinafter sometimes referred to as the Society.


Article II Affiliation

2.1 The Society is an independent entity.

2.2 The Society is affiliated with the Archaeological Institute of America (hereafter referred to as the AIA or the Institute) through the granting of a Charter issued by the AIA after an acceptance vote by the AIA Council.

2.3 The Society has agreed to the following stipulations:

a)    To promote the AIA's mission;

b)   To function within the guidelines of the AIA and not to adopt any regulations that conflict with those of the AIA;

c)    To engage in no activity that would damage the name of the AIA or undermine its mission, including engaging in transactions that remove artifacts from public and scholarly access;

d)   To maintain a membership consisting of a minimum number of persons as required by the AIA, currently 35.

2.4  The Society understands that failure to follow these stipulations can result in the revoking of its Charter by a vote of the AIA Council. If its Charter is revoked, the Society loses its affiliation with the AIA and the right to use the AIA name.


Article III Purpose

3.1 The purpose of the Society shall be to promote knowledge and study of, as well as interest in, archaeology and related subjects, and to further the aims and programs of the Archaeological Institute of America.


Article IV Membership and Dues

4.1 The membership of the Society shall consist of residents and students of the Tucson and Southern Arizona Area who are members in good standing of the Archaeological Institute of America.

4.2 Members of the Society who reside outside of this area may hold membership in the Society providing they remain members in good standing of the Archaeological Institute of America.

4.3 The classes of membership shall be prescribed in the Regulations of the Archaeological Institute of America. Dues are paid directly to the national office of the AIA.


Article V Administration

5.1 The administration of the Society shall be vested in the following elected officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Program Coordinator, Treasurer, and National AIA Liaison. These officers will constitute the society’s executive committee. The President may be assisted by other officers whose titles and responsibilities will be decided upon by the President and the executive committee. These together shall constitute the board of the Tucson Society.

5.2 Duties of Officers

  • As executive officer of the Society, the President shall preside at all meetings and shall carry out the decisions of the Executive Committee (see 8.1) and the Society. In consultation with the Executive Committee, the President shall be responsible for overseeing the lecture season and delegating related tasks as necessary. This includes corresponding with the speakers, assisting speakers with local travel, and arranging for hospitality while speakers are in the Tucson area.
  • The Vice President shall oversee planning and local arrangements for the lectures, including reserving rooms and equipment, posting the lectures in local media, planning for any dinners and/or refreshments, and making other arrangements as needed. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall serve as President, and if the Vice President is not available, the Program Coordinator or a member of the Executive Committee shall serve.
  • The Secretary shall maintain files with important society documents, keep minutes of business meetings and Board meetings of the Society, give notice to the membership of all meetings of the Society, supervise dissemination of information through other means such as letters, flyers, and posters, and keep a roster of membership. This roster must be updated based on the roster sent from the headquarters of the AIA. The Secretary is also responsible for receiving election ballots, tallying ballots, and reporting results at business meetings.
  • The Program Coordinator shall coordinate with the President and Vice President about local outreach activities, help communication between the executive committee and the board and any other program related matters as they arise.
  • The Treasurer shall handle the funds of the Society, including monitoring the endowed funds of the Society, keeping records of transactions and expenditures of the Society, reimbursing officers and members for expenses incurred for Society programs, overseeing Society tax matters, and preparing budget reports for Board meetings and business meetings.
  • The National AIA Liaison shall work with the President and Vice President and be responsible for maintaining communication and relations with the main office of the AIA.

5.5 All officers of the Society may appoint committees.

5.6 Vacancies among officers shall be filled by appointment of the President.


Article VI Elections

6.1 Officers shall be elected by any combination of mail ballot, electronic ballot, and vote at a meeting called for that purpose by the President in accordance with the decision of the Executive Committee or at the annual business meeting.

6.2 Elections shall be held biennially.

6.3 Elected officers will provide a signed statement indicating their acceptance of and adherence to the AIA’s Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest Policy, and, in the case of professional members, the Code of Professional Standards.

6.4 Any officer may be removed at any time by a confidential written two-thirds vote of the Society’s members or by procedures as established by the Executive Committee if, in their judgment, such officer is in violation of the Regulations, Code of Ethics, the Conflict of Interest Policy, or the Code of Professional Standards of the AIA.


Article VII Delegates to the Council of the Institute

7.1 In accordance with Article IV of the Regulations of the AIA, the President may select one delegate to the Council of the Institute for its first 25 members and one further delegate for each additional 50 members.

7.2. The President of the Society is also a delegate, in addition to those selected.


Article VIII Use of Earnings

8.1 No part of the earnings of the Society shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to, its members, governors, or officers, or other private persons, except that the Society shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the charitable and educational purposes of the Society.


Article IX Meetings of the Society

9.1 The meetings of the Society shall present lectures by visiting lecturers from the AIA and such other programs as the Executive Committee shall consider appropriate. Such meetings must be open to the public.

9.2 An annual business meeting scheduled by the President and the Executive Committee shall be held for the election of officers for the ensuing year, for the presentation of reports on the Society’s activities, reports on membership and finances or and for consideration of other appropriate matters. Written notification shall be given of the time and place of the annual business meeting to all members at least thirty days prior to the meeting.

9.3 If elections do not occur at the business meeting, the Executive Committee will arrange for an election of officers and members of the Board of Governors by mail or electronic ballot.

9.4 Other business meetings may be called at any time by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee provided ten-day notice is given to members.


Article X Dissolution

10.1 In the event of the dissolution of the AIA-Tucson and Southern Arizona Society, any funds belonging to the society at the time of dissolution shall, after all debts have been paid, be given to the AIA.


Article XI Liability

11.1 All persons, corporations and governmental entities extending credit to, or contracting with, or having any claim against the Society or the Officers shall look only to the funds and property of the Society for the payment of any such contract or claim, or for the payment of debt, damage, judgment or decree or of any money that may otherwise become due or payable to them.


Article XII Non-Discrimination

12.1 The Society shall not, in its conduct of society affairs, restrict or limit participation on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or sexual orientation.


Article XIII Amendments

13.1 These bylaws may be amended by mail or electronic ballot. Amendments shall pass by a two-thirds majority of valid ballots returned. Alternatively, bylaws may be amended at any business meeting of the Society, provided notices of the meeting and the proposed amendments have been provided to all members by the Board of Governors at least thirty days before the date of assembly. Provisions shall be made for voting by proxy, or by mail, on the part of members who are unable to attend the meeting. Amendments voted on at a business meeting shall pass by a two-thirds majority of the votes received via mail or electronic ballot prior to the business meeting plus the votes of those present at the business meeting. Notwithstanding the foregoing no change will be made to Article II without prior approval of the AIA.

13.2 If amendments or changes are made, updated bylaws will be sent to the AIA national office in a timely fashion.